
The story of the Waterfront Playhouse begins in 1939 when the original producing organization, the Key West Players, banded together. Including both locals and Navy personnel, The Players began putting on theatrical productions in whatever space they could find, including the U.S.S. Gilmore which was stationed in Key West right after WW II.

In 1960, with the help of Key West Player Tennessee Williams, The Players eventually found a permanent home at The Waterfront Playhouse, a crumbling ice warehouse that had been built in the 1880’s and was situated in historic Mallory Square. The warehouse was totally renovated and transformed into The Waterfront Playhouse (the term by which The Key West Players is most widely known today).

In the years since, major improvements have been supported by the generosity of many donors and the Monroe County Tourist Development Council. In the past few years, we have made several major technical and structural upgrades – including a completely new HVAC system, new lighting, new sound, new electrical systems, a state-of-the-art assisted listening system, a new roof, a new lobby and a new stage. Further improvements are on the way.

Thank you for your continued generosity and support!


Florida Monthly Magazine