
Apr 1

The Key West Players ‘Black Comedy’ Opens Tonight

The Key West Players’ production of Peter Shaffer’s “Black Comedy” opens with a performance at 8 tonight, at the Waterfront Playhouse, located in Mallory Square.In this ingenious farce, which runs through April 17, the roles of light and darkness are reversed. Directed by visiting guest artist Jennifer Sassaman, the production stars Joan O’Dowd, Peter King, George diBraud, Brandon Beach, Joy Orlemann, Ross Pipkin, Hanrow Hartley and Tony Greenleaf, with set and lighting design by Terry Tucker.Set in London in the “swinging ’60s,” the play concerns young sculptor Brindsley Miller, and his girlfriend, Carol. The twist is that the play begins with the stage in darkness, which is seemingly normal to the characters.Then a fuse blows, plunging the characters into “darkness,” but the stage lights come on, fully illuminating the stage, and allowing the audience to enjoy the ensuing mayhem. The characters must now stumble in the “dark,” barely missing each other and the priceless antiques. The New York Post called the piece “a dazzling comic ballet.” The London Sunday Times calls the play, “one of the funniest and most brilliant plays in the language.”An openingnight party will be held following the show at the Rooftop Cafe.


Florida Monthly Magazine